Discourse. Diversity. Disclosure.

The SGB serves students who are passionate about ideas, students who challenge the status quo, students who ask questions. In short, the SGB serves Columbians.

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About the Student Governing Board

Founded in the aftermath of Columbia's 1968 riots, the Student Governing Board (SGB) seeks to protect the right of the Student Body to express themselves; to that end, the SGB serves groups whose concerns are religious, spiritual, ideological, political, humanitarian, cultural, or activist.

Check out this excellent review of the causes and consequences of the momentous riots, collated by Columbia University Libraries.

Executive Board

The SGB Executive Board consists of eleven elected students: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and seven Representatives.

All executive board members are elected in the spring Town Hall by the 110+ recognized SGB groups for one-year terms. All members of the SGB E-Board are active in SGB groups to ensure that they understand the needs and concerns of the community.


Currently  +100 groups. See them here.

Let's Talk

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